So, hi guys!
Yeah, it's the hols! Woopadoodlyyypump.
Not as excited as I would be, why you asssssk. I'll tell you later.
Anyways, lately I've been into like make up & stuff. Yeah, I know I'm not a girly girl and I can't even paint my nails right, I'm such a fail at being a girl. But every girl has it in her, I believe. So I've been watching so many make up vids and I'm super inspired! But obviously in Malaysia we don't wear make up at this age. Or to school. Or maybe you do but not everyday, ah whatevs. So the main point is, if I go out wearing make up I'd probably be stereotyped as wannabe? Possibly. Not that I care buuuut if I saw a girl my age wearing make up I'd probably be all.. judg-y and all. I can't help it, probably everyone does it too.
Next thing, I'm not sure if I still wanna attend Christian Fellowship (CF). I want to but sometimes it's just so awkward for me as none of my friends want to accompany me there. Yeah, it's cool. Not like I ever accompany them to anywhere. I'm kidding. But anyways. I do have a few friends and my sister goes sometimes but it's kinda intimidating you know? Being alone-ish sometimes. I mean Matthew is there but obviously he has his friends too and then when my sister doesn't go I'm just like wheeawkwardturtleyaythisisfun with myself. Awkwaaaaard. Mhm. I know I should go there only for God and not to make friends or whatever. I mean yeah, make friends too but the main point is to be with God but sometimes you just need to know you have someone with you..
Sooooo here we go, why I'm not excited for the hols? Two words. MY. MOM.
Normally other teens' hols would be all fun, going out watching stuff, shopping and shit.
Me? Pft. My mom is forever banning me from going out like I'm a freaking outlaw! Seriously, I'm fourteen. I know it's not that big of an age and I understand if you don't let me go swimming and stuff. BUT I HAVE ONLY BEEN TO THREE OUTINGS IN MY WHOLE LIFE AND YOU WON'T TRUST ME? Shit. I can't contain my anger when it comes to this. Why don't you trust me?! We're Christians, we're supposed to have trust in the Lord in these things and not go and think that I'll get kidnapped slash raped by some psychopath alright?! Once in a while, I ask you and you say no. And when I ask why? "Oh, you're forever going out with your friends." What? 3 outings, my whole life. How am I FOREVER going out with my friends?! if idk, 15 hours means forever to you, wtf to that. And then when I try to prove my point that I'm not FOREVER going out, she says when my sister was 14 she never went out. Are you freaking kidding me, do we really need to have this conversation?.. THE FREAKING GENERATION IS FREAKING DIFFERENT FOR FREAKING SHIT SAKE. Next point, when I ask her if we can go out she's forever saying either she's tired or she's way too busy with work. If she's tired, fine, I get it. But she's freaking FOREVER BUSY WITH WORK LIKE WHAT THE HECK IS THIS? I DON'T GET IT ALL. If you don't want me to go out with my friends incase I get raped then at least let me go out with you or something. DO YOU WANT ME TO DIE KNOWING THAT MY WHOLE LIFE IS STUDIES AND THE HOUSE?
That was a long but much needed rant.
Goodnight readers, x.