Friday, February 24, 2012

I won't give up on us.

Hey there! Right now I'm stuck to Jason Mraz's I Won't Give Up. This song.. is just beautiful. So calming yet means so much & can bring tears. Yeah, I love.

I've been wanting to find a hoodie for soooo long. MOMMY PLEASE OH LORD. :(
And then, recently been hooked to rompers & jumpsuits! They're like so pretty. I love f21 and all but I've never bought clothes or shoes from there. Except accessories. Drives me mad to see all these stuff & just walk out of the store like I normally do. ESPECIALLY IN TOP SHOP. Just, cannot. But everything is bloody expensive & not as if I'm old enough to work yet.
& don't forget my obsession with lace shall never cease to exist! NEVER. Toms, shorts, cropped tops, cardis, headbands. So much lace, so little money.

Neways I'm craving a mango smoothie and wondermilk cupcakes! But if no can do, then I'll just settle for whatever cupcake you're bringing me :D huhuhuuu
Be going out soon to have dinner with my grandad! as usual every Saturday.

goodbye lovelies! xx

Back to square one.

Hi guys! I'm back to blogging. After about a year (or two) of letting my blog slowly fade into the dark. Yeah, I'll try & keep this blog up. But I just made this blog mostly for when times get rough and I feel the need to rage out. This is the place, this is where I'll be going.

So for those of you who don't know me and just happen to stumble upon my not-so-humble abode, here goes. I'm Esther. And this year I'm fourteen. I want to play the guitar but I don't have time for lessons. Sad case. I ABSOLUTELY HATE UNORIGINAL PEOPLE. That is something you must know about me. It just gets on my nerves way too often than necessary. I wouldn't call myself a hipster, but I guess I do have some characteristics of a hipster, ya could say so.

And my love for One Direction the boyband has amazingly grown over 1 year and a half. Such a short time yet they have managed to just charm me with their witty sense of humor, (I freaking love guys with a good senseofhumor) reeaaaally good looks, and angelic voices. Yeah, I know. You'd think, you only like them cause they're popular now. Bitch, I liked them in December 2010. Got anything to say? Straight up. Don't even think of talking behind my back. Cause in the end, I'll hear it neways.

I guess that's a pretty good description of me. Oh and that I love british people. 1D, Coldplay, Ed Sheeran, Alex Pettyfer, they all just .. get me. For example, 1D is just amazing. Coldplay is perfect. Ed Sheeran's voice is way too talented. Alex Pettyfer, oh thaaaaaat hair.

Yeah, I'm talkative. Abit long for a first post, but ohwell. G'nights! xx